Design Thinking- artful engagement in the classroom

“The Crisis we face today is not educational, economic or political is one of imagination” (Otto Scharmer, MIT)

Our Planet’s Past, Present, and Future Explored Through Textile Storytelling, Movement, Sound, and Design

The Exploration
What stories do we choose to tell and how can textiles become gentle artful
translators between worlds?

Our Challenge

How would dino soft sculptures move and what would they say if we give them a
voice? “Sewing is “a continuous battle that never stops but offers rewards in
the end.” The art and doing of sewing is the art of resilience, of coolness

The Invitation

In a world of climate change and shifting baseline, we work with tactile materials that represent fraying elements of our life and world. Through fabric, we tell past stories, which otherwise might be lost or frozen. Our conscious experimentation will translate into meaningful fabric compositions that allow the exploration of “old problems” with fresh eyes. Our process is messy, spring-boarding iterations of ideas, leading to collective meaningful making. The Goal: Participants will design a series of story-based textile pieces, layering upcycled materials and embroidery, going beyond the surface of “habitual doing and thinking”. The resultant, meaningful soft sculpture installation will involve collective sewing, drawing, mindfulness, and movement.

What we ask? Engaging pedagogies

    1. What is design?
    2. How does it shape our life’s experiences?
    3. How do we understand the integration of form and function? Inward and outward investigating possiblities for change?
    4. How do we intentionally craft the world around us? How does design influence the way we move through our world and the relationship we build and leave behind?


Andreea Gatman 

ICF Certified Coach, Organised over 150 teachers programs in Finland  since 2016. Fulbright Humphrey Fellowship 2023-2024 at Vanderbilt University on a model of inner development skills, system  thinking facing climate change, trauma informed education and distributed learning networks. Partnership Affilitation with Wond’ry Innovation Center. Andreea, has a BA in Political Science, MA in Europea Studies at Graz University and MBA in Public Governance at Modul University, Vienna. Emerging Strategies for Future Thinking (MIT, U-lab).

Alexandra Sargent Capps


Alex has been on the Vanderbilt University Theatre faculty since 2001. She was the departmental costume designer until 2022. Currently, she is the director of Vanderbilt’s Wond’ry Center for Innovation Fiber Arts Build (FAB) Lab , serving the Vanderbilt and Nashville community through sewing and design programming that allows people with all skill levels to develop their creative ideas. Alex holds a B.A. in Theatre from Middlebury College, and an MFA in Costume Design from Northwestern University.

Lauri Jäntti

Experimental urban space project called Galleria Kasvihuone, by doctoral researcher in urban geography Lauri Jäntti and urban artist Maarit Myllynen. Kasvihuone is not just a greenhouse; it serves as a venue for events and urban experiments. In Jäntti’s own words, the small structure serves as a collision point for people and ideas; a space for branching out. Kasvihuone is a place for art workshops, dance performances, and music. 

Design Thinking- artful engagement in the classroom

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